Tuesday, 16 February 2010

The Mediterranean Diet

Monday, 15 February 2010

Fitness Full Body Workout Part 1

Free Fast Weight Loss Tips - Lose Weight Quickly

Weight loss is of extreme importance to people all over the world today. While some would think that weight loss is just something cosmetic and does not make any difference to the individual, there are several health problems that are caused by obesity.

Obesity causes quite some problems to the entire body system. Basically obesity causes trouble to the entire body system. Apart from the physical and health aspects, obesity is also known to have adverse psychological effects on the human being. An obese person is seen to be a 'different' individual from the others, whether it is for reasons that are completely practical or simply out of ridicule.

Therefore, losing weight is becoming a very important aspect for everyone in the world. There are countless ways to lose weight, with each of them wanting the individual to either follow a strict regime of dieting and hard exercise, or simply wanting them to resist and desist from every day eatables. Here are some free fast weight loss tips, which are thought to make a person lose weight without much ado.

Eating natural foods is supposed to be very good for natural weight loss. If you can incorporate five servings of fruit and vegetables in your diet, they will help in keeping the calorie count low. Natural fruits also help in detoxification of the body, which again helps in the metabolism and therefore increases the digestion of the human body.

Fruits and vegetables also contain a lot of fibers, vitamins, minerals and other beneficial antioxidants. This is one of the first and foremost free fast weight loss tip that is given by many. Eating quick and small meals at a proper duration is better than taking large meals. You can have small meals almost five times a day.

Drinking water is also quite beneficial. Water helps in flushing out toxins in an effective manner. Another important aspect of water is that it suppresses the appetite. Also, if a person intakes lesser water, the body begins to store water, which results in water retention and therefore an increase in the weight of the individual. This is another free fast weight loss tip that you will find in many nutrition and dieting books.

Also, many nutritionists and dietitians will tell you to completely stop indulging. Even when a person is trying to lose weight, they should not completely stop indulging. The human body requires a fair amount of essential unsaturated fats. Therefore, do not completely stop having junk food. These are just some of the essential free fast weight loss tips that are beneficial to us.

Lose Weight is never a difficult task, get your free weight loss plans and tips by visiting Weight Loss Method.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ivy_Brown

Saturday, 13 February 2010

The Alkaline diet!!!

3 Goal Setting Tips For Your Health And Fitness Program

You would not start or expand a business without a plan - a clear-cut idea of where you want to take your company and how you propose to get there. Instead, you would assess your cash flow and expenses, choose a location for your office, decide on your hours of operation, and develop strategies to overcome obstacles.

Your health and fitness program deserves the same level of attention, whether you are just beginning to map out your fitness plan or looking to expand and improve your current fitness routine.

Setting Goals for Your Health and Fitness Exercise

You ought to know why you want to get fit before you embark on a new health and fitness program. Maybe your pants split as you got up to greet your blind date, and you thought, "I really ought to do something about this." Maybe you cannot keep up with your grand children. Maybe heart disease runs in your family, and you want to avoid carrying on that tradition.

Whatever the reason, make sure you are doing this for yourself. You are not doing it simply to please your mother-in-law or your doctor. Then, after you have evaluated your current fitness level start setting specific goals. Research shows that goal-setting works.

Here we want to look at the different types of goals you should set.

Tip 1 - Long-term goals

Give yourself a time frame for the next six months. Some people get really creative with their long-term goals in their health and fitness plan.

You have to ensure that your long-term goals are realistic. If you have decided to run your first full marathon, you do not need to run the full marathon on the first training session. On the other hand, do not be afraid to dream. Visualize that you will are running in the local marathon competition. Choose a goal that really sparks you on. This is something that may be out of reach at the moment but is not out of the realm of possibility. People are often surprised by what they can accomplish.

My uncle Dave was 60 years old when he started training for a half marathon race. He trained 6 days a week together with his buddy. After six months of training, Uncle Dave successfully completed the half marathon. He was the oldest one on the competition, but he was not the slowest. His success inspired him to train to run the full marathon.

You need to judge for yourself what is realistic. Some people rise to the occasion when they set goals that seem virtually impossible. Other people get discouraged by setting extremely high expectations. If you are a beginner, try to set moderately challenging goals. If you reach your goals earlier than you expect that is the time to choose more ambitious ones. Here are some concrete examples of long-term goals that may spark your imagination:

Complete a 20-kilometer run in 3 hours six months away. Drop 5 percent body fat in 20 weeks.

Tip 2 - Short-term goals

Six months is a long time to wait for feelings of success. In order to stay motivated, you need to feel a sense of accomplishment along the way. Set short-term goals for one week to one month. Here are some examples:

Use the stair-climber four times this week for 30 minutes each time.

Improve your one-kilometer walk by 30 seconds in one week.

Bicycle 50 kilometers a week for the next three weeks.

Tip 3 - Immediate goals

Immediate goals refer to goals for each week, day, or workout. This way, when you walk into the health fitness club, you don not waste any time figuring out which exercises to do. Here are examples of immediate goals:

Go to the health fitness club 3 times a week

Run 5 kilometers 2 times a week.

Bicycle 15 kilometers twice a week.

You see, goals are like a points on the compass that will help to get to the destination you want to arrive at.

Is there anything else you want to find out on how to build up your fitness level? When you regularly exercise and eat a healthy diet, you will live healthier, happier and longer.

For more informations visit http://www.HealthFitnessSecret.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kylie_Hong